Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Getting My Life Back, Finally!

In January, I vowed to myself this was it! No matter what, I was not going to quit. I was going to the gym four to six days a week, doing cardio and strength training. I was adding new excercises that my husband would incorporate. (He is a previous power lifter with national and state championships.) Our entire family had started incorperating clean eating.  Before long, April was here and I was at my routine kidney specialist appointment. Not one pound shed and the realization that I could not hide from the biopsy anymore. By May, not another pound shed and biopsy came and went. Frustrated, confused and depressed! My biopsy came back that everything was great! I was estactic, after two years of doctor visit after doctor visit. But then, what is wrong with me? I mean, the obvious- I need to lose weight. But, there has to be something wrong that I am not. PCOS had been ruled out. Then, was onto my thyroid. There is no way- I have had it tested how many times in the past. Then, my OB  called me that I had hypothyroidism. My PCP was telling me that my numbers were fine. UGH!!! How frustrating!! After night after night of crying from frustration and fighting with doctors to run more tests, I decided the only way any of this is getting any better if I once and for all lost the weight. While, I have all the syptoms of Hashimoto's, it is so difficult to diagnose. Plus- I dont want to be any more life sustaining medication than I already am. Therefore, I started working out harder, eating more clean... still NOTHING! More tears and frustration.

A friend approached my husband about starting Advocare and becoming a distributor. We were already familiar with the products and they had worked in the past, but we never stuck with it. We still continued to order Spark on occasion (MY ABSOLUTE ADDICTION!!!) It is a great oppurtunity, why not? So- my hubby jumped on the boat and started his 24 day challenge. Within a few days, I was seeing results. He was cleaning... yes, I mean- cleaning, not the typical "hey honey I got some stuff done" and everything looks exactly the way it was when you left.  He was feeling good about himself. The "man boobs" were going away! (Sorry, honey- I had too!) :) He lost 11 pounds and 11 inches during his 24 day challenge while building muscle for an upcoming competition in November.

Still, with all these results, I held back. Why would this work when nothing else has?!?! Well-- he starting catching up. :( I felt defeated. No woman wants to be bigger than her guy. Right?!?

LETS DO THIS THING!!! I finally ordered it! Anxiously awaiting it to come in the mail. Following the change in eating was not difficult (aside from my cheese addiction.) It was pretty much what our family had been following. Within a couple days, I felt ALIVE!!! Not only was I working out in the mornings, we go walking at night when we have the chance. Every day, I would continue to push hard!  My motivation was through the roof because my body felt rejuvenated! There was no questions that changes were coming!

Anxiously awaiting my husband to wake up and take all my measurements this morning! Today is my day 11!!!! Hopped on the scale.... . NO WAY!!! It finally moved, I mean it MOVED!!! Chills up my spine.... SEVEN POUNDS LOST!!! WHAT??!! Im only through the cleanse phase!!! 

Finally-- my husband is doing my measurements and I am dying to see the results as he keeps hiding them from me... 13 1/2 INCHES!!!! I honestly just wanted to cry in JOY!

SOMETHING WORKED FOR ME!!!! Today, I start phase two and I cannot be more than estactic going in and more motivated!

August 12, 2013 will be MY day, just in enough time before MY FIRST 5K!!!!!

More results to come! :)

PLEASE, if you are interested at all in what we are doing, please email me  Rebecca or my husband, Mike OR message me on facebook. . . YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!

Advocare is saving my life!!!


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